2000 jaar Nederlanders en hun kruistochten / [red. Willem Bouman ... et al.] history of warfare Hafted weapons in medieval and Renaissance Europe : the evolution of European staff weapons between 1200 and 1650 / by John Waldman Medieval warfare in manuscripts / Pamela Porter Medieval siege & siegecraft / Geoffrey Hindley Hessels Hûs / [ontwikkeling: Lasso voor kunst en educatie ; concept, tekst en fotografie Henk Boven, Jeanet Vermeer] By sword and fire : cruelty and atrocity in medieval warfare / Sean McGlynn Koningen en krijgsheren : de Franken in de Lage Landen / Luit van der Tuuk medieval world at war / edited by Matthew Bennett Legendarische veldheren : De onoverwinnelijke generaals tot en met het eerste millenium / Andrew Roberts (red.) ; [aut.: Niccoláo Capponi ... et al. ; vert. … Entre le glaive et la croix : chefs-d'œuvre de l'armurerie de Malte = Between the battlesword and the cross : masterpieces from the armoury of … dibner institute studies in the history of science and technology heirs of Archimedes : science and the art of war through the Age of Enlightenment / Brett D. Steele and Tamera Dorland, ed bibliothèque d'éducation et de récréation Histoire d'une forteresse / Viollet-le-Duc