serie marstriomfen Fairest of the Fair Onze Opperbevelhebber = Notre Commandant-en-chef : marche militaire set of nautical tables for general navigational purposes / S.M. Burton Handleiding in de spiegel-perspectief, om, door de regelen der doorzichtkunde, alle voorwerpen in vlakke spiegels over te brengen / Caspar Philips Jacobsz Washington Post. Amerikanischer-Marsch Washington Post. Amerikanischer-Marsch Washington Post. Amerikanischer-Marsch Washington Post. Amerikanischer-Marsch men-at-arms series Napoleon's light infantry / text by Philip Haythornthwaite / colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series American Civil War armies : 3: Staff, specialist and maritime services / text by Philip Katcher ; colour plates by Ron Volstad men-at-arms series Army of Northern Virginia / text by Philip R.N. Katcher ; colour plates by Michael Youens men-at-arms series American Civil War armies : 2: Union artillery, cavalry, and infantry / text by Philip Katcher ; colour plates by Ron Volstad