

Titel December 1759. Proposals For Printing by Subscription, In Weekly Numbers, (Price Six-pence each Number.) A New And Complete Collection Of Voyages and Travels: Comprizing Whatever is Valuable of this Kind in the most celebrated English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish, and Danish Writers; Great Part of wich have never appeared in the English Language. The Whole being a General Survey Of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America: Exhibiting Every Particular that merits Attention in the Several Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces and Islands on the Terrestrial Globe: Their Commerce, Produce, Manufactures, &c. together with the Method of Living, Customs, Manners, Arts and Sciences of the Inhabitants: Also Descriptions of the Various Oceans, Seas, Lakes, Rivers, Hakbours [sic], Rocks, Shoals, &c. in every Part of the World. Interpersed with entertaining and useful Accounts of Shipwrecks, Sea-Fights, Bombardments, Sieges, and surprizing Adventures by Sea and Land. Illustrated with near Three Hundred Elegant Copper-Plates, consisting of Perspective Views, Maps, Sea-Charts, Draughts of Harbours, Heafs of the principal Navigators and Travellers, and Drawings of the most Curious Animals, Vegetables and Minerals.
Objectnaam boek
Objectnummer 00118363


Datering 1759


Trefwoorden geografie, boekwetenschap, geschiedenis, krijgsgeschiedenis, zeeoorlog, culturele antropologie, brochure, 1751-1800, Engeland, Europa
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