united states army in world war ii employment of negro troops / by Ulysses Lee ; United States Army, Office of the chief of military history fighting forces series Japan and the Japanese : a military power we must defeat, a Pacific problem we must solve / by the editors of Fortune Pearl Harbor : why, how, fleet salvage and final appraisal / by Homer N. Wallin ; forew. by Ernest McNeill Eller information bulletin Removal of wounded from tanks / War Department, Military Intelligence Service Baking manual for the army cook : including instructions on using lard as a shortening in baking and for deep-fat frying and panfrying / [prepared … Army recipes - USA Technical Manual, TM 10-412 Equipment, clothing, and tent pitching - USA Basic Field Manual, FM 21-15 Service of the piece : 155-mm gun M 1 - USA Field Artillery Field Manual, FM 6-90 De La Lorraine à Washington : carnet d'un combattant 1939-1940 / R. de Chambrun United States navy at war : final official report to the secratary of the navy : covering the period March 1, 1945, to October 1, … Jap soldier / [prep. by Arthur Goodfriend, with the ass. of Time, Inc. and Wilfrid Fleisher] Report by the Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the operations in Europe of the Allied Expeditionary Force, 6 June 1944 to …