Ovalen indelingsembleem tbv Military District of Washington D.C., met witte zuil en diagonaal geplaatst zwaard met rode kling 8-schots halfautomatisch centraalvuurpistool Colt Hammerless Pocket Model 1903, geschenk van de Amerikaanse opperbevelhebber Westmoreland aan de Nederlandse bevelhebber der landstrijdkrachten Van Rijn, kaliber 7.65 x … Onderscheidingsteken; Purple Heart; portret van George Washington tegen paarse achtergrond aan paars met wit lint George Washington President Roosevelt legde op 24 Maart j.l. in Washington de volgende verklaring af, USH 7 Machine warfare : an inquiry into the influence of mechanics on the art of war / by J.F.C. Fuller Tactics and performance of American Army air bombardment and enemy fighter interception : since 7 december 1941 / prepared by The Intelligence Section of the … guide to museum pest control / Lynda A. Zycherman, ed. ; J. Richard Schrock, assist. ed united states army in world war ii Corps of Engineers : the war against Japan / by Karl C. Dod united states army in world war ii Cross-channel attack / by Gordon A. Harrison united states army in world war ii Washington command post : the operations division / by Ray S. Cline united states army in world war ii Logistical support of the armies / by Roland G. Ruppenthal