Civilian conservation corps regulations American military gouvernment of occupied Germany 1918-1920 / report of the officer in charge of civil affairs, Third Army and American forces in Germany Report on Third International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy : Paris, April, 1925 Gunnery, fire control and position finding for antiaircraft artillery united states army in world war ii army and industrial manpower / by Byron Fairchild and Jonathan Grossman mededeelingen van den minister van buitenlandsche zaken aan de staten-generaal Verslag en diplomatieke bescheiden betreffende de conferentie te Washington : October 1921-Februari 1922 Nazi conspiracy and aggression / Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality communistische internationale : stellingen van het Derde-Wereld-Congres in Moskou 1921 alsmede de stellingen der Executieve over de Conferentie in Washington / [vert. door Gérard Vanter] publication Eighth international congress of military medicine and pharmacy and meetings of the permanent committee, Brussels, Belgium, June 27-July 3, 1935 / report of William Seaman … Sailing directions for New Guinea and the islands eastward of Celebes and Timor Uniform regulations : United States Marine Corps 1937 Army baker / prepared under direction of the Quartermaster General - United States Army Training Manual