Soviet Militairy Space Doctrine soviet military thought Selected Soviet military writings, 1970-1975 : a Soviet view / [by A.A. Grechko ... et al.] ; transl. and publ. under the auspices of the … Soviet military power / [United States of America, Department of Defense] Soviet total war : "historic mission" of violence and deceit / prep. and released by the Committee on Un-American activities, United States House of Representatives, … house document. 79th congress, 2nd session Communism in action : a documented study and analysis of communism in operation in the Soviet Union / prepared at the instance and under the … Defense against nuclear weapons / by B.A. Olisov Soviet nuclear strategy : a critical appraisal : a report of the study program on Soviet strategy / ed. by Robert Dickson Crane Soviet arms and soviet power : the secrets of Russia's might / by Augustin Guillaume ; with a forew. by Walter Bedell Smith publication Disarmament at a glance opbouwdienst Russian abbreviations : a selective list / comp. by Alexander Rosenberg its technical manual Glossary of Soviet military terminology : English-Russian; Russian-English Constitution (fundamental law) of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as amended by the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., on February 25, 1947, on the recommendations …