special series Japanese defense against amphibious operations / War Department . Military Intelligence Division fighting forces series Japan and the Japanese : a military power we must defeat, a Pacific problem we must solve / by the editors of Fortune theunited states strategic bombing survey effects of bombing on health and medical services in Japan united states strategic bombing survey Effects of air attack on urban complex Tokyo-Kawasaki-Yokohama united states strategic bombing survey Summary report covering air-raid protection and allied subjects in Japan united states strategic bombing survey electric power industry of Japan : plant reports united states strategic bombing survey effects of air attack on the city of Nagoya united states strategic bombing survey Effects of two thousand, one thousand and five hundred pound bombs on Japanese targets : a report on eight incidents Hearings before the Joint Committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack : 79th Congress of the United States, first and second sessions pursuant … Hearings before the Joint Committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack : 79th Congress of the United States, first and second sessions pursuant … Hearings before the Joint Committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack : 79th Congress of the United States, first and second sessions pursuant … Hearings before the Joint Committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack : 79th Congress of the United States, first and second sessions pursuant …