Discorsi Militari D' Antonio Lvpicini, Sopra l' espugnazione d' alcuni siti. Con Licenzia De' Signori Svperiori. L'Artiglieria Di Pietro Sardi Romano Divisa In Tre Libri Nel Primo dei quali, si discorre sopra le Macchine Antiche, et Armi da offendere il Nemico … Exhibition of arms, armour and militaria : lent by H.R.H. the Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, at the armouries of the Tower of London, April … Exhibition of armour in the Royal Workshops at Greenwich : H.M. Tower of London, 22nd May - 29th September, 1951 Colt revolvers and the Tower of London treasures of the tower Torture & punishment Exhibition of armour of kings and captains from the national collection of Austria at the Tower of London, May 12th - August 7th, 1949 Inventor and survey of the armouries of the Tower of London / C.J. Ffoulkes Two studies in the history of the tower armouries / by Alan Borg ; communicated to the Society of Antiquaries Inventor and survey of the armouries of the Tower of London / C.J. Ffoulkes : 1 Inventor and survey of the armouries of the Tower of London / C.J. Ffoulkes : 2 European swords and daggers in the Tower of London / [by] Arthur Richard Dufty ; [for the] Department of the Environment