document Defense of the Mediterranean and the NATO southern flank / by Mr. Goedhart Manpower issues for NATO : motivation and mobilisation / interim report of the sub-committee on manpower and personnel, pres. by Adriaan Ploeg Report on the work of the NATO committee on the challenges of modern society (CCMS) in 1981 Nota naar aanleiding van het verslag van de Vaste Commissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken en voor Defensie van de Tweede Kamer naar aanleiding van de Nato-delen … defence, technology and the western alliance Standardization and common production of weapons in NATO / by Robert Rhodes James Intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) : progress report to ministers by the Special Consultative Group, released for publication on 8 December 1983 / [NATO. Special Consultative … NATO and the Warsaw Pact : force comparisons / North Atlantic Treaty Organization Guide NATO comparative trials : 17-21 May 1965 NATO defense college : a study on its concept and evolution / by J. Davaux Vergelijking van de logistieke organisaties van de Nederlandse, de Britse en de West-Duitse "NATO-assigned" landstrijdkrachten onderling en met die van en in het "Type field … nato ccms = otan/cdsm Environment and regional planning : a pilot study publikatie van de atlantische commissie Reorganization of NATO : desirabilities and possibilities / report by the Working Party of the Atlantic Committee