War baby! Comes Home : the U.S. caliber .30 carbine vol. 2 / by Lary L. Ruth ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens War baby! : the U.S. caliber .30 carbine / by Lary L. Ruth ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens War baby III : the U.S. carbine into the 21st century / by Lary L. Ruth ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens Browning High Power automatic pistol / R. Blake Stevens modern u.s. military small arms series; vol. iii black rifle : M16 retrospective / R. Blake Stevens and Edward C. Ezell ; ed.by R. Blake Stevens Desperate measures : the last-ditch weapons of the Nazi Volkssturm / W. Darrin Weaver ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens Rifle caliber Brownings in U.S. Service / Dolf L. Goldsmith ; ed. by R. Blake Stevens Rifle caliber Brownings abroad / Dolf L. Goldsmith ; ed. by R. Blake Stevens Mauser archive /Jon Speed ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens Rock in a hard place : the Browning automatic rifle / by James L. Ballou ; produced. and ed. by R. Blake Stevens Modern military bullpup rifles / by T. B. Dugelby Art Militaire Des Chinois, Ou Recueil D'Anciens Traités Sur La Guerre, composés avant l'ere chrétienne, Par Différents Généraux Chinois. Ouvrages sur lesquels les Aspirans aux …