L'Artiglieria Di Pietro Sardi Romano Divisa In Tre Libri Nel Primo dei quali, si discorre sopra le Macchine Antiche, et Armi da offendere il Nemico … Royal hunting : from the collections of The State Historical Museum, The State Tretyakov Gallery, The Moscow Kremlin State (Historical and Cultural) Museum and Grounds, … Kunstbrigade : hoe de geallieerden de Europese kunstschatten redden / Robert M. Edsel ; in samenw. met Bret Witter ; [vert. uit het Engels Ronald … Great War in 1916 : a neutral's indictment / sixty cartoons by Louis Raemaekers ; with an appreciation by H. Perry Robinson and descriptive note … Great War : a neutral's indictment / one hundred cartoons by Louis Raemaekers ; with an appreciation by H. Perry Robinson and descriptive notes by … Works of art in Austria (British zone of occupation) : losses and survivals in the war / comp. from reports supplied by the Monuments, Fine … Works of art in Germany (British Zone of occupation) : losses and survivals in the war / comp. by the Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives … Works of art in Greece, the Greek Islands and the Dodecanese : losses and survivals in the war / comp. by the Monuments, Fine Arts … Hermitage, Leningrad : fine arms from Tula, 18th and 19th centuries / V. Mavrodin Introducing cultural Thailand in outline / by Phya Anuman Rajadhon