Small Arms Training. - Brits voorschrift Signal Training. Vol. II. Part II. Wireless. 1936. - Engeland Voorschrift Reglement d'Infanterie. L'Infanterie au Combat - België voorschrift Armes Lourdes d'Infanterie no. 4. La Mitrailleuse .303. - België voorschrift Foreign Military Weapons and Equipment (U). Construction Equipment (U). U.S.S.R. (U). - USA Voorschrift Army Pamphlet 30-10-1A Foreign Military Weapons and Equipment (U). Topographic Equipment (U). U.S.S.R. (U). - USA Voorschrift Army Pamphlet 30-20-1 A Guide to the Collection of Technical Intelligence. - USA Voorschrift Pamphlet 30-26 Military Engineering. Roads, Airfields, and Mechanical Equipment. Part I. Roads. WO 7487 Machine Gun Handbook. (Technical) Volume I, Pamphlet no. 2. Mountings, Tripod,.303 inch, M.G. MK IV, Adapter, Vickers, M.G. MK I, Mount, Field, Vickers.303 inch, M.G. … Machine Gun Handbook. (Technical). Volume I, Pamphlet no. 1. Vickers.303 inch and 5 inch Machine Guns and Appurtenances. WO 888 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/Publications/3431 VehicleTraining Pamphlet. Stuart V (M3A3) VehicleTraining Pamphlet no. 1. Churchill MK IV - VIII. WO 8254