Fire power : British army weapons and theories of war 1904-1945 / Shelford Bidwell and Dominick Graham United States military saddles, 1812-1943 / Illus. by Randy Steffen pall mall military ser. Cavalry studies : strategical and tactical / by Douglas Haig German military phrase book / M.H.B. Cockin gale & ponden's military series officers' field report book, for writing orders and reports of reconnaissance and uoitpost duties in the field, ... basic training guide mededeelingen van het bureau voor de bestuurszaken der buitenbezittingen uitkomsten der verrichtingen van de militaire exploratie in Nederlandsch Nieuw Guinea = The results obtained of Military Explorationwork in Dutch New-Guinea military classics Defense / Ritter Wilhelm von Leeb ; [transl. by:] Stefan T. Possony and Daniel Vilfroy Artillerie materieel van het Koninklijke Nederlandsche Leger Military small arms of the 20th century : a comprehensive illustrated encyclopedia of the world's small-calibre firearms / Ian V. Hogg and John Weeks American memorials and overseas military cemeteries / The American Battle Monuments Commission soviet military thought Military pedagogy : a Soviet view / ed. by A.M. Danchenko and I.F. Vydrin ; transl.[from the Russian]