Lanspunt, ijzer, met druppelvormige kling, verhoogde middengraat en tongvormige punt Speerpunt, Noord-Europa, 800-1000 Houwdegen, type Pappenheimer, Duitsland, 1630-1640 Hellebaard, met spitse punt, vierkant in doorsnede en gebogen weerhaak, forse huls en schacht Lans, toneelrekwisiet, met platte ijzeren trapeziumvormige punt en bolvormige knop, bamboe schacht history of warfare Hafted weapons in medieval and Renaissance Europe : the evolution of European staff weapons between 1200 and 1650 / by John Waldman Boarders away : with steel : the edged weapons and polearms of the classical age of fighting sail, 1626-1826 : tracing their development in the … Atlas de la baionette de collection : Le nouvel ABC [Tome 3] / Jean-Pierre Vial Weapons : an international encyclopedia from 5000 BC to 2000 AD / [by]the Diagram Group ; [editor David Harding] dizionari terminologici Armi bianche dal Medioevo all'età moderna / a cura di Carlo De Vita ; redazione dello Studio De Vita ; tavole e grafica dello Studio … European weapons and armour : from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution / Ewart Oakeshott ; with line illustrations by the author stackpole arms and armor Rapiers : an illustrated reference guide to the rapiers of the 16th and 17th centuries, with their companions / Photos. by Edward Perry