Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on Radiation of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Congress of the United States : eighty-sixth Congress, first session on … Orders and directives : a manual for commanders, staff officers and nco's / by Arthur M. Chester and John E. Murray Soviet nuclear strategy : a critical appraisal : a report of the study program on Soviet strategy / ed. by Robert Dickson Crane da pam Planning for retirement : a bibliography disarmament series Draft treaty on the discontinuance of nuclear weapon tests / Department of State General procurement information on guided missile programs, rockets and target drones / Office of the Secretary of Defense , Central Military Procurement Information Office Handbook emergency defence activities / National Archives and Records Service, Federal Register Division, General Services Administration Men against fire : the problem of battle command in future war / by S.L.A. Marshall United States Army occupational handbook : a manual for civilian guidance counselors and students / published by Department of the Army, office of the adjudant … security of the nation : a study of current problems of national defense / Association of the United States Army [pres.: A.J. Drexel Biddle] department of state publication,general foreign policy series Geneva conference on the discontinuance of nuclear weapon tests : history of political and technical developments of the negotiations from october 31, 1958, to august … United States and the European community : their common interests