In the wake of Napoleon : the Dutch in time of war 1792-1815 / assembled and edited by Mark van Hattem, Mariska Pool and Mathieu … Voor Napoleon : Hollanders in oorlogstijd 1792-1815 / samenst. Mark van Hattem, Mariska Pool en Mathieu Willemsen ; [red. Heleen Bronder en Ella van Mourik … men-at-arms series Austrian army of the Napoleonic Wars : 2 Cavalry / text by Philip J. Haythornthwaite ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten groten van alle tijden Napoleon / bew. [uit het Italiaans door] Frans Grosfeld napoleonic library note-books of Captain Coignet : soldier of the Empire, 1799-1816 / Jean-Roch Coignet ; introd. by John Fortescue elite series Napoleon's imperial headquarters : 1: The military and civil households / Ronald Pawly ; illustrated by Patrice Courcelle men-at-arms series Napoleon's line chasseurs / text by Emir Bukhari ; colour plates by Angus McBride men-at-arms series Napoleon's hussars / text by Emir Bukhari ; colour plates by Angus McBride men-at-arms series Napoleon's German allies : 5: Hesse / text by Otto von Pivka ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series Napoleon's line infantry / text by Philip Haythornthwaite ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series Austrian army of the Napoleonic Wars : 1: Infantry / text by Philip J. Haythornthwaite ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series Napoleon's specialist troops / text by Philip Haythornthwaite ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten