Intelligence is for commanders / by Robert R. Glass and Philip B. Davidson Handleiding in de spiegel-perspectief, om, door de regelen der doorzichtkunde, alle voorwerpen in vlakke spiegels over te brengen / Caspar Philips Jacobsz Geschiedenis der regering van Philips den Tweede, Koning van Spanje / Willem H. Prescott ; uit het Engelsch door Dr. W.J.A. Huberts ; voorrede van … Toongenerator TS-3059. (Philips GM-2317). VTH 11-728 Army life in the '90s men-at-arms series Napoleon's line infantry / text by Philip Haythornthwaite ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series Austrian army of the Napoleonic Wars : 1: Infantry / text by Philip J. Haythornthwaite ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series Napoleon's specialist troops / text by Philip Haythornthwaite ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series Wellington's specialist troops / text by Philip Haythornthwaite / colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series Austrian specialist troops of the Napoleonic wars men-at-arms series Army of the Potomac / text by Philip R.N. Katcher ; colour plates by Michael Youens men-at-arms series American Provincial Corps 1775-1784 / text by Philip Katcher ; colour plates by Michael Youens