Pengadjaran dari pengatahoean hal penjakit dan pendjagaan atau pengobatannja terpakai di sekola-sekolahan kader (orang berpangkat). - Geneeskundige handleiding ten gebruike bij de kaderscholen. Geneeskundige handleiding ten gebruike bij de kaderscholen. (GHK) - KNIL Voorschrift, DvO 6-5 Military Training. FM 21-5 Recognition Training. FM 21-80 Drill and Ceremonies. FM 22-5 Drill and Ceremonies. FM 22-5 Leadership. FM 22-10 Military Leadership. FM 22-100 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 30. Part VI. Field Engineering (All Arms). Demolitions. WO. 7636 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 40. Mines and Booby Traps. Part I. (All Arms). How te deal with individual mechanisms Army Training Memorandum no. 46 Army Training Memorandum no. 47