Wheaton's international law / Henry Wheaton My nine lives in the Red Army / by Mikhail Soloviev ; transl. [from the Russian] by Harry C. Stevens ; introd. by Leslie C. … Browning High Power automatic pistol / R. Blake Stevens modern u.s. military small arms series; vol. iii black rifle : M16 retrospective / R. Blake Stevens and Edward C. Ezell ; ed.by R. Blake Stevens Mijn kamp / Adolf Hitler ; vert. van Steven Barends Wilhelmina : vorstin in oorlogstijd / [Harm Stevens] Desperate measures : the last-ditch weapons of the Nazi Volkssturm / W. Darrin Weaver ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens Rifle caliber Brownings in U.S. Service / Dolf L. Goldsmith ; ed. by R. Blake Stevens Rifle caliber Brownings abroad / Dolf L. Goldsmith ; ed. by R. Blake Stevens Mauser archive /Jon Speed ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens Crossbows in the Royal Netherlands Army Museum : with a list of names and marks of European crossbow makers, bow smiths and bolt makers = … new vanguard series Red SAM : the SA-2 guideline anti-aircraft missile / Steven J. Zaloga ; ill. by Jim Laurier