united states strategic bombing survey German motor vehicles industry report united states strategic bombing survey German anti-friction bearings industry united states strategic bombing survey Machine tool industry in Germany united states strategic bombing survey German electrical equipment industry report American military gouvernment of occupied Germany 1918-1920 / report of the officer in charge of civil affairs, Third Army and American forces in Germany information bulletin German armored division / War Department, Military Intelligence Service mid Handbook on guided missiles of Germany and Japan / War Department, Military Intelligence Division German scientific establishments / reported by L.E. Simon ; publ. by the Office of Technical Services Dep. of Commerce theunited states strategic bombing survey German electric utilities industry report united states strategic bombing survey Rhenanlia Ossag Mineraloelwerke A.G., Harburg Refinery, Hamburg, Germany united states strategic bombing survey effects of strategic bombing in German transportation united states strategic bombing survey Effects on bombing on railroad installations in Regensburg, Nuremberg and Munich divisions