Sumenapsche Hulptroepen. Bataljonsvlag, geel, met wapenschild gedragen door eenhoorn en draak.
The Sumenep Auxiliaries (De Sumenapsche Hulptroepen) was an armed corps of the Sultan of Sumenap and came to be a part of the Royal Dutch East Indies Army. It was deployed amongst others in the Padri-wars (1835-) and at the siege of Bonjol (1837). From this corps some flags have been preserved in the Museum voor Volkenkunde in Leiden. Probably they came in possession of the museum after the liquidation of Sumenep in 1879 and when the Barisan Commands were placed under Governmental jurisdiction in 1882. [5](PvB, Bron: website,, Madura, laatst bezocht 14-04-2021)