Productie van militair materieel in Nederland / P. Schoenmaker defence, technology and the western alliance requirements of military technology in the 1970s / Kenneth Hunt Rapport inzake het militair-industrieel complex / opgesteld door een Interdepartementale ambtelijke werkgroep ; [voorz.] P.H. Kooijmans international conciliation Arms traffic and third world conflicts / Geoffrey Kemp Reform and the revolution in Russian defense economics / Stephen J. Blank elsevier actueel wapenindustrie : een onthullende blik achter de schermen van de internationale wapenhandel / Anthony Sampson ; [vert. uit het Engels door Adelaïde H. van Loon] How America went to war : an account from official sources of the nation's war activities 1917-1920 : The armies of industry : Our nation's … Vickers : a history / J.D. Scott defence, technology and the western alliance European armaments base : a survey / C.J.E. Harlow defence, technology and the western alliance implications of a European system for defence technology / Alastair Buchan defence, technology and the western alliance Standardization and common production of weapons in NATO / by Robert Rhodes James General procurement information on guided missile programs, rockets and target drones / Office of the Secretary of Defense , Central Military Procurement Information Office