Pamphlet no. 7 B. Combined Operations. SP Artillery in An Assault Landing. WO 7830 - Engeland Voorschrift Supplement no.4 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet no.4. (Chapter 3). Carriage of Engineer. Equipment by Air. Section 4. Roller, Sheepsfoot, Allen, Single Drum with detachable feet … Supplement no.3 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet no.4. (Chapter 3). Carriage of Artillery. Equipment bij Air. Section 6, Q.F. 17 Ponder, Mark 1 Gun on Carriage … Supplement no.3 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet no.4. (chapter 3). Carriage of Artillery. Equipment by air. Section 3, Q.F. 3.7 Howitzer, Mark 1 on carriages 3-7 … Supplement no.3 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet. no.4. (Chapter 3) Carriage of Artillery. Equipment by Air. Section 5, Pack Howitzer M1A1 on carriage, M8 in Dakota … Army Operation Signals. Extracts from CCBP2-2 "Combined Operation Signals" - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/949 Pamphlet no. 39 B. Combined Operatios. Royal Army Medical Corps. (Based on 1942 organization of Field Medical Units). WO 7853 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1020 Land/Air Warfare. Pamphlet no. 2. WO 8259 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Trg Publications/1699 Army Air Operations Pamphlet. no.4 (chapter 3), supplement no.2, Carriage of Vehicles by Air. Section 1, Lorries, 3 ton, 3x4, General, in Dakota Aircraft. WO … A short pamphlet on Beach Organisation. BR 640 - Engeland Voorschrift Pamphlet no. 30. Combined Operations. Employment of Amphibians in Combined Operations.(Provisional). WO 7837 - Engeland Voorschrift Pamphlet no. 14 (C). Combined Operations. Landing Craft Tank and Landing Craft Flek (Large). WO 7842 - Engeland Voorschrift