american forces in action series St.-Lô (7 July - 19 July 1944) / U.S. War Department Historical Division american forces in action Fifth army at the winter line : (15 november 1943-15 january 1944) / U.S. War Department. Historical division osprey campaign series Little Big Horn, 1876 : Custer's last stand / Peter F. Panzieri defense of Charleston Harbor including Fort Sumter and the Adjecent Islands : 1863-1865 / by John Johnson ROTC instructor battlefield guide osprey campaign series Boston, 1775 : the shot heard around the world / Brendan Morrissey osprey campaign series New Orleans 1815 : Andrew Jackson crushes the British / Tim Pickles American Revolution, 1775-1783 : an atlas of 18th century maps and charts : theatres of operations / [comp. by W. Bart Greenwood] Battles of the American Civil War / [by] Curt Johnson & Mark McLaughlin Battles of the American Revolution / [by] Curt Johnson Battle maps of the American Civil War / text by Richard O'Shea ; featuring maps by David Greenspan ; introd. by Robert K. Krick U.S. Army War College guide to the Battle of Gettysburg / edited by Jay Luvaas and Harold W. Nelson