after the battle record of military Macks in the services and beyond / by Bart Vanderveen history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series Inland transport / C.I. Savage Air transport and the war Air transport at war / by Reginald M. Cleveland ; forew. by Harold L. George Mechanical transport-vehicle records and procedure for accounting and control of petrol, oil and lubricants, 1942 bellona handbook summary of the transport used by the British Army 1939-45 : Tank transporters, recovery vehicles, machinery trucks / M.P. Conniford Rotterdam Oorlogshaven / Jac.J. Baart Girlpower in de Tweede Wereldoorlog / Annabel Junge Transporter, wer kennt sie schon! : Die Kennzeichen d. Transportflieger, Verbände d. Luftwaffe von 1937-1945 / Karl Kössler summery of the transport used by the British Army 1939-45 / M.P. Conniford commission interalliée des chemins de fer : (création, composition, role) bellona handbook summary of the transport used by the British Army 1939-45 : Gun tractors, bridging vehicles, ambulances / M.P. Conniford