Test sets EE-65 and EE-65-A - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 11-361 Mental tests in the American army / compiled and ed. by Clarence S. Yoakum and Robert M. Yerkes Test sets I-56-C, -D, -H, -J - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 11-303 Test set TS-2/TG - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 11-2208 Test set I-142 and test set I-142-A (telephone) - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 11-2062 naca wartime report Wind tunnel tests of air inlet and outlet openings on a streamline body / by John V. Becker This is Erie proving ground / U.S. Army test and evaluation command Cabinet BE-70-(...) (Wire Chief's Testing) - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 11-345 disarmament series Draft treaty on the discontinuance of nuclear weapon tests / Department of State Report on service behaviour tests at Barksdale Field, Shreveport Lousiana miscellaneous publications Microbiological deterioration of organic materials : it's prevention and methods of test / by Edward Abrams Test Sets I-51, I-51-A and I-51-C. (Cable Repairman's) - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 11-379