Ballistic missile defense : a study jointly sponsored by the Brookings Institution and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology / ed. by Ashton B. Carter and … TD-1062 Dossier C.X project Secretaris Bestuur SVMLM 16.02.1994-31.12.1997; inh.: PV overgave/overname Ir H Doppenberg / R d'Hollosy; Stuurgroep C.X; Werkgroep C.X; correspondentie met sponsors. agard lecture series Large scale integration in microelectronics : lecture series presented in London and Düsseldorf, July 1970; sponsored by the Avionics Panel and the Consultant and Exchange … Future of Nato forces : a transatlantic conference held in Washington, D.C., November 17-18, 1986 / co-sponsored by the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc., … onr-5 Materials research in the navy : a symposium sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, March 17, 18, and 19, 1959, the Benjamin Franklin Hotel, … Handboek sponsoring / onder red. van: Lucas M.N.M. Goossens, Jan Willem P.M. Lokerman, Frank J.L. Pauli Defense, controls, and inflation : a conference sponsored by the University of Chicago Law School / edited by Aaron Director Goudkoorts : ervaringen met museumsponsoring / [Marieke Burgers ; foto's: J. Bergsma] Musea in de geldstroom / Nederlandse Museumvereniging nationaal wereldboek : 100 jaar Pyttersen's Nederlandse Almanak / A.J. van Beelen, Th.N.M. Schuyt fluid dynamic aspects of ballistics : proceedings of a Specialist's Meeting, sponsored by the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel, held in Mulhouse, France, 5-8 September 1966