Military symbols and abbreviations arbo Wespen en horzels : roman van een school in oorlogstijd / Piet Begeer Chevrolet tractor 4x4 field artillery : questionnaire / prep. by Royal Artillery Mechanical Traction School The political economy of total war / School of Foreign Service ; [with a pref. by Edmund A. Walsh] Geschiedenis van de Tweede Wereldoorlog : foto's, feiten en figuren / onder red. van Basil L. Hart en Barrie Pitt ; m.m.v. de Koninklijke Militaire … Field artillery : Automotive Instruction / prepared under the direction of the Chief of Field Artillery Tactics instruction memorandum : Tactical Aspects of Field Artillery Fire Direction Weapons (Marine Infantry Battalion) Gunnery instruction memorandum : Short Base Flash Ranging for Marine Field Artillery Gunnery instruction memorandum : Construction and Use of a Rapid Computer for Survey Traverses Materiel instruction memorandum : Sighting and laying equipment for field artillery materiel Materiel instruction memorandum : The Firing Battery 155mm Howitzer M1