report optical aerosol concentration-meter... : A sensitive light transmission meter / L.A. Clarenburg report optical aerosol concentration-meter... : The relation between floating dropdiameter to dropspot diameter / L.A. Clarenburg Organophosphorus compounds : Derivation of the molecular rotation ... / H.L. Boter / RVO/TNO. Chemisch Laboratorium Inhomogeneity of oxygen samplers in the cosmodyne CS-4.4 Sampler / H. van Someren and H.C. Beck ; uitg. R.V.O./T.N.O. Chemisch Laboratorium Chemistry and toxicology of paints / D.M.W. Elskamp Phosphorescence microscopy : a simple automatic counting device for phosphorescent particles / C.J.P. van Buijtenen and L.A. Clarenburg ; uitg. R.V.O./T.N.O. Chemisch Laboratorium apparatus for the automatic determination of the penetration time / F.H. Meppelder ; uitg. R.V.O./T.N.O. Chemisch Laboratorium Syntheses and toxicities of some series of choline-sterase inhibiting agents... / H.L. Boter ; uitg. R.V.O./T.N.O. Chemisch Laboratorium Concentrating dilute aerosols by electrostatic methods / J.F. van der Wal ; uitg. R.V.O./T.N.O. Chemisch Laboratorium analysis of adsorption isotherms of vapours on homogeneous surfaces / J.G.T. van Aken ; uitg. R.V.O./T.N.O. Chemisch Laboratorium Multilayer adsorption on carbon adsorbents / J.G.T. van Aken Structure of the replicative form of bacteriophage IX 174... / P.H. Pouwels, J. van Rotterdam and J.A. Cohen