Flying bomb / [by] Peter G. Cooksley after the battle Peenemünde rocket centre / [ed. by Winston G. Ramsey ; contributions by Jan Heitmann et al.] fortress German V-weapon sites 1943-45 / Steven J. Zaloga ; Hugh Johnson & Chris Taylor German small arms of World War II / A.J.R. Cormack ; ed. by Jean Sedley Secret weapons : death rays, doodlebugs and Churchill's golden goose / Brian J. Ford after the battle V-weapons / [ed. by Winston G. Ramsey] battle of the V-weapons, 1944-45 / by Basil Collier ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. weapens books German secret weapons : blueprint for Mars / Brian Ford Rockets and guided missiles / John Humphries ; with a forew. by A.D. Baxter Peenemünde-West : die Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe für geheime Fernlenkwaffen und deren Entwicklungsgeschichte / Botho Stüwe luchtoorlog boven Nederland : 1940-1945 / Bart van der Klaauw en Bart M. Rijnhout ; met medewerking van Jan J. van der Veer Flying bomb : the story of V.1 and V.2 / by Frank Illingworth