Internal ballistics of solid-fuel rockets : military rockets using dry-processed double-base propellant as fuel / by R.N. Wimpress ; with a pref. by B.H. Sage ussr armed forces Artillery and Missile Force / Albert Domank [transl. from the Russian] Geschossene raketen, Vor- und Nachteile = Rockets launched from closed tubes / Ernst Genter, Hermann Renner ; [transl. Dipl.Ing. Altner] ; issued by T.P.A.3 Technical … populärwissenschaftliche bibliothek Raketenflugzeuge / L.K. Balew ; I.A. Merkulow Rockets and guided missiles / John Humphries ; with a forew. by A.D. Baxter Geheime wapens : van raket tot atoom-bom / door J.C. Forthaas Ballistics of the future : with special reference to the dynamical and physical theory of the rocket weapons / J.M.J. Kooy and J.W.H. Uytenbogaart Guided missiles : a compilation of selected guided missile articles that have appeared in the Coast Artillery Journal 1946-1948 / [R.E. Gibson ...[et al.]] fusées : Artillerie Allemand / [publ. de Grand Quartier Général des Armées du Nord et du Nord-Est]