Science at war / by J.G. Crowther and R. Whiddington flight information publication (terminal) High and low altitude : Europe North Africa and Middle East : radar instrument approach minimums, standard terminal arrivals, insturment approach procedures, standard instrument departures, … flight information publication (terminal) High and low altitude : Europe North Africa and Middle East : radar instrument approach minimums, standard terminal arrivals, insturment approach procedures, standard instrument departures, … Secret weapons : death rays, doodlebugs and Churchill's golden goose / Brian J. Ford bat : a fire director for the blind firing of light anti-aircraft guns / Italiana Contraves ; Microlambda radarvuurleidingsinstallatie Contraves-S.F.R. voor de lichte luchtdoelartillerie : De opsporings-radar R.M. 521 - Zend-Ontv. 521 Radar : een populair-wetenschappelijke beschouwing / door J.J. Moerkerk Radar / P. Roskam, R. Fehres Principe en toepassingen van radar / door J. Winters Radar : Duell im Dunkel : dramatische Höhepunkte der wissenschaftlich-technischen Kriegführung / Cajus Bekker i.c.a.o. circular aircraft landing system utilizing decimetric waves (UHF) / published by authority of the Secretary General ; International Civil Avaiation Organization Radar : a report on science at war / released by The Joint Board on Scientific Information Policy for Office of Scientific Research and Development …