russia collection of reports on bolshevisme in Russia : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty, April 1919 Atomic Energy : a Bill intituled an act to provide for the development of atomic energy and the control of such development, and for purposes … Organized communism in the United States : Committee on un-American Activities, House of Representatives, eighty-fifth Congress, second session, August 19, 1953 Lest we forget! : a pictorial summary of communism in action : Albania ... Soviet Union : consultation with mr. Klaus Samuli Gunnar Romppanen, Committee … Translation of The report of the Parliamentary Commission (States-General) Dutch East Indies / transl. approved of by C.L. van der Bilt ; [chairman: M. van … Background information relating to Southeast Asia and Vietnam / [publ. by the] Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate [Chairman: James William Fulbright] report on defence Outline of future policy / pres. to parliament by the Minister of Defence by command of Her Majesty tweede kamer der staten-generaal . vergaderjaar 1987-88 Enquête paspoortproject