Air operations in South East Asia 3rd May, 1945 to 12th September, 1945 / by Keith Park Presentation of a new guidon to The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons) by Her Majesty The Queen, Colonel-in-Chief, Windsor, Great Park, … Conference on economic and political development in relation to seapower along the routes from the Indian Ocean, held at the Inn on the Park London … Dutch firearms / Arne Hoff ; ed. [and transl. from the Dutch MS.] by Walter A. Stryker world museums guide : a selective guide to 200 of the world's most interesting art museums and galleries / edited by Barbara Cooper and Maureen … 2e Genie Park cie te Bandoeng, Batavia, Semarang, Purwokerto, Tegal, Djockja, Solo en Magelang : 1947-1950 / [met een voorw. van R.W.H. Garschagen] Soviet military doctrine: its fomulation and dissemination / by Harriet Fast Scott agard conference proceedings New developments in storage, retrieval and dissemination of aerospace information : papers presented at the 26th Meeting of the AGARD Technical Information Panel, held at … Fine oriental carpets and rugs ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... London ... Wednesday, 29th March, 1978 … national park service interpretive series. history, no. 3 Artillery through the ages : a short illustrated history of cannon, emphasizing types used in America / by Albert Manucy charming field for an encounter : the story of George Washington's Fort Necessity / by Robert C. Alberts ; illustrated by Daniel Maffia Hever Castle Collection : the Property of The Lord Astor of Hever