Conditions d'admission et programme des connaissances exigées pour l' admission dans le corps de l' intendance militaire (troupes métropolitaines et coloniales) : édition mise a … Training Pamphlet. Royal Army Service Corps Training. Vol I. Training and War, 1937 Training Pamphlet no. 6. Royal Army Service Corps. Ammunition. Part I: Movement and Distribution by Road. WO 7603 Training Pamphlet no. 8 Royal Army Service Corps. Part I: Supply Organization in the Line of Communication Area. WO 7607 Training Pamphlet no.12. Royal Army Service Corps. Cattle and Sheep; Fresh, Frozen and Chilled Meat. WO 7610 Basisgetallen munitie. Opleidingseenheden. Intendance. VS 2-1001/8 Regulations for Army Ordnance Service. Pamphlet. no. 16. Part II. Examination of breech mechanisms Manual of Army Cartering Sevices. Part IV. Static Cooking Apparatus and Cooking Equipment in the Field. WO. 1523 Training Memorandum. no.1. Royal Army Service Corps. WO 8025 Manual of Army Catering Services. Part I. General. WO 1196 Manual of Army Catering Services. Part II. Recipes. WO 1197 Regulations for Army Ordnance Service. Pamphlet. no. 19. Part II. List of tools and gauges for examination for ordnance