Noord-Limburg : Nederland helpt de zwaar geteisterde gebieden / aangeboden door het Militair gezag district Noord-Limburg ; inl. door C. Receveur, miltaire commissaris voor Noord-Limburg report of the military governor Reparations and restitution (quarterly review) / Office of the Military Government for Germany (U.S.) report of the military governor Reparations and restitution (cumulative review) / Office of the Military Government for Germany (U.S.) report of the military governor Reparations and restitution (quarterly review) / Office of the Military Government for Germany (U.S.) report of the military governor Reparations (cumulative review) / Office of the Military Government for Germany (U.S.) special report Three years of reparations : progress of reparations form Germany in the form of capital industrial equipment / Office of military government for Germany (U.S.) Roof, restitutie, reparatie / door Emile van Konijnenburg bevolking van de zwaar door oorlogsgeweld geschonden Provincie Zeeland vraagt uw warme belangstelling voor: haar wenschen ten opzichte van een bevredigend materieel herstel herbouw van Vlissingen / H.B.J. Knoop