H.H. Officiers-cantine Legerplaats Harskamp Diner de Corps des Officiers de Hussards. 27 Janvier 1889 Spijskaart van het Officiers-corpsdiner ter gelegenheid van het 125 jarig bestaan van het 8e Regiment-Infanterie Still treasuring his trophy of war: Belgian wounded returning from Liege. - The centre man with a German helmet slung from one of the buttons … After the landing which the enemy thought impossible: British troops in action on the 'impregnable' Gallipoli peninsula Do German submarines get supplies under water? A possibiity. A fight for a chateau: French and Germans at close quarters. Saving trench-time: cartridges flung from man to man On the road to Gorizia: near a doubly-endangered town Trenches 5000 feet up: at barracks coloured 'futuristiccally' Men-at-arms at Notre Dame: a "mediaeval" scene in Paris Driving the Turks out of Palestine: British and Indian heroism