Air transport at war / by Reginald M. Cleveland ; forew. by Harold L. George bellona handbook summary of the transport used by the British Army 1939-45 : Tank transporters, recovery vehicles, machinery trucks / M.P. Conniford summery of the transport used by the British Army 1939-45 / M.P. Conniford commission interalliée des chemins de fer : (création, composition, role) bellona handbook summary of the transport used by the British Army 1939-45 : Gun tractors, bridging vehicles, ambulances / M.P. Conniford Vehicle data book [of the] Canadian army overseas; armoured tracked vehicles, armoured wheeled vehicles, tractors, transporters, "B"-vehicles, trailers / Canadian Military Headquarters. Branch of the … Flying wartime aircraft : ATA ferry pilots' handling notes for seven World War II aircraft / with an introduction and commentary by Hugh Bergel Collectie Serge Stone 8 archiefdoos met de volgende militaire luchtvaart gerelateerde artikelen en tekeningen over vliegtuigtypen: Royal Air Force; RAF Transports; Westland Lysander