Military Vehicles of World War II / G. N. Georgano brooklands books WW2 allied vehicles : military portfolio 1939-1945 / comp. by R.M. Clarke British Military Markings 1939-1945 / Peter Hodges ; colour art by Kenneth M. Jones ; line drawings by Gerald Scarborough observer's fighting vehicles directory observer's fighting vehicles directory, World War 2 / research and ed. by Bart Hartmannus Vanderveen General George C. Marshall Museum : Amerikaanse militaire voertuigen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog Victory Memorial Museum german trucks & cars in world war ii VW at war : Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen, & special vehicles / Michael Sawodny; [translated from the German by David Johnston] War on wheels : the evolution of an idea / C.R. Kutz Wehrmacht Divisional Signs 1938-1945 / Theodor Hartmann Wehrmacht camouflage and markings, 1939-1945 / [by] W. J. K. Davies; [artwork Kenneth M. Jones and Gerald Scarborough] Directory of wheeled vehicles of the Wehrmacht, 1933-45 / edited by Chris Ellis airfix magazine guide Afrika Korps / [by] Bruce Quarrie