Army transportation movements management. - USA Voorschrift Field Manual 55-10 Military supply management program : hearing before a subcommittee of the committee on Government operations, House of Representatives, 83rd congress, 1st session contactgroep opvoering productiviteit Wie volgt ons op? : rapport betreffende de "management development" in het Amerikaanse bedrijfsleven / Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit. Studiegroep Industrie ; [uitgebr. onder leiding van … interim technical report Fundamental investigations in methods of operations research / by Gottfried Oppenheimer ; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Company administration : including personnel management, unit records, supply and mess and the personnel secton including career guidance and personnel management, personnel records and pay … national security management Elements of Defense Economics / Charles J. Hitch and Roland N. McKean national security management Studies in defense management/ comp. by Theodore W. Bauer and Richard H. Stephens ; in coll. with William P. Snyder national security management environment of national security / Harold J. Clem, Stanley L. Falk national security management Management: concepts and practice / Fred R. Brown, ed national security management industrial sector / David L. Belden, Ernest G. Cammack Guide for preparation & maintenance of WD AGO Form 66 Usafe Resources management program