Brits zuurstofmasker met slang en microfoonaansluiting (1955) tbv Luchtmacht (Groot-Brittannië) Eenige wakkere jongens' : Nederlandse oorlogsvliegers in de Britse luchtstrijdkrachten 1940-1945 / Erwin van Loo ; cartografie: Louis Kaulartz Fight for the sky : the story of the Spitfire and Hurricane / Douglas Bader Royal Air Force Museum : Britain's national museum for aviation Land/Air Warfare. Pamphlet no. 2. WO 8259 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Trg Publications/1699 Rank and badges in the Navy, Army, R.A.F. and auxiliaries : a full coloured guide to the badges worn by members of His Majesty's Forces … Supplement no.4 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet no.4. (Chapter 3). Carriage of Engineer. Equipment by Air. Section 4. Roller, Sheepsfoot, Allen, Single Drum with detachable feet … Supplement no.3 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet no.4. (Chapter 3). Carriage of Artillery. Equipment bij Air. Section 6, Q.F. 17 Ponder, Mark 1 Gun on Carriage … Supplement no.3 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet no.4. (chapter 3). Carriage of Artillery. Equipment by air. Section 3, Q.F. 3.7 Howitzer, Mark 1 on carriages 3-7 … Supplement no.3 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet. no.4. (Chapter 3) Carriage of Artillery. Equipment by Air. Section 5, Pack Howitzer M1A1 on carriage, M8 in Dakota … Army Air Operations Pamphlet no.1. General Principles and Organization. WO 8036 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1127 Army Air Operations Pamphlet no.2. Direct Support. WO 8037 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1181