Great War in 1916 : a neutral's indictment / sixty cartoons by Louis Raemaekers ; with an appreciation by H. Perry Robinson and descriptive note … Great War : a neutral's indictment / one hundred cartoons by Louis Raemaekers ; with an appreciation by H. Perry Robinson and descriptive notes by … Colours of the war : art work of belgian soldiers at the front (1914-1918) : a selection of the collections kept at the Royal Army … 14-18 : Kunstenaarsvisie / Koninklijk Museum van het Leger en van Krijgsgeschiedenis Führer durch das Bayerische Armeemuseum Ingostadt : Reduit Tilly / Ernst Aichner Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the USSR awarded the Order of the Red Star = Le Musée Central décoré de l'ordre de l'Etoile … imperial war museum Photographic records of the Great War, 1914-1918 (Army) / publ. by authority of the Trustees Imperial War museum : handbook Handbook of the Imperial War Museum : [Lambeth Road, London S.E.I] : 1914 to the present day / With a pref. by Noble Frankland catalogus Koning Albert en zijn soldaten : tentoonstelling ingericht ter gelegenheid van de 50ste verjaring van de plechtige opening van het Legermuseum door Zijne Majesteit Koning … Katalog des Heeresmuseums : Weltkrieg 1914-1918 : 1. Osonzofront : Saal I und II muséoguide Muséoguide 1914-1918 / Jean-Marcel Humbert, Lionel Dumarche ; [onder auspiciën van het Secrétariat d'État aux Anciens Combattants]