British army / Graham Seton Hutchison ; forew. by Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery Army equipment : Hospital equipment for a battallion of infantrie, regiments of cavalry, battery of artillery an a company of engineers / Martin Petrie / … Army equipment : Equipment of commissariat staff corps / H.M. Hozier Army equipment : Equipment of cavalry / H.M. Hozier Army organisation and administration : a study of the subject / H.L. Pritchard Notes on organisation and equipment : "subhead (d) iii" / H.M.E. Brunker organization and administration of the lines of communication in war / by George Armand Furse armée anglaise dans un conflit européen / H. Langlois ABC of the army : an illustrated guide to military knowledge for those who seek a general acquaintance with elementary matters pertaining to the British … Two studies in the history of the tower armouries / by Alan Borg ; communicated to the Society of Antiquaries Tank museum guide : an illustrated record of the development of the British tank : Dl. 3 Tank museum guide : an illustrated record of the development of the British tank : Dl. 1: 1915-1918