Weapons : an international encyclopedia from 5000 BC to 2000 AD / [by]the Diagram Group ; [editor David Harding] Technology and the American way of war / Thomas G. Mahnken illustrated directory of modern Soviet weapons / ed. by Ray Bonds cornell studies in security affairs Exporting the bomb : technology transfer and the spread of nuclear weapons / Matthew Kroenig geschriften van de prof. mr. b.m. teldersstichting Krijgsgerommel achter de kim : analyse van de veiligheidsrisico's voor Nederland / P.G.C. van Schie Secret weapons : death rays, doodlebugs and Churchill's golden goose / Brian J. Ford Mit der Bombe leben, die gegenwärtigen Aussichten einer Begrenzung der Gefahr eines Atomkrieges / C.F. von Weizsäcker Nuclear explosions and their effects / [by D.S. Kothari ... [et al.] ; foreword by Jawaharlal Nehru bomb and European security / by Guido Vigeveno ; with a foreword by Eugene V. Rostow adelphi library Energy and security / ed. by Gregory Treverton sesam-special Kernwapens : wat er gebeurt als ze worden gebruikt / Nigel Calder ; [vert. uit het Engels door P. Spek] nivv-reeks SALT-2 en de Westeuropese veiligheid / [door] F.M. Roschar