Kernwapens voor alle landen? / F.A.M.Alting von Geusau Naar een nucleaire wereldorde / Godfried van Benthem van den Bergh ; [kopÐred. Sjoerd de Jong] Characteristics and effects of atomic explosions / Staff Department. The Infantry School (Fort Bennings) Radiological defense : The principles of military defense against atomic weapons / The Armed Forces Special Weapons Project / Joint Crossroads Committee Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List. M234, M234E1 and M234E2, Atomic Warhead Sections. M240 Training Atomic Warhead Section. - USA Voorschrift Technical Manual … Wedloop in kernbewapening / J.H. Leurdijk Nuclear weapons of the United States : an illustrated history / James N. Gibson disarmament series Draft treaty on the discontinuance of nuclear weapon tests / Department of State American scientists and nuclear weapons policy / by Robert Gilpin Nuclear weapons and foreign policy / by Henry A. Kissinger ; forew. by Gordon Dean Onderhandelingen over kernwapens voor de middellange afstand: "nul-optie" en de relatie met SALT : notitie / door J.G. Siccama Nonproliferation of nuclear weapons : hearings before the Joint committee on atomic energy, Congress of the United States, 89th Congress, 2nd session, on S.Res. 19 …