Service of the piece : 155-MM gun M2 : truck-drawn and tractor-drawn - USA War Department Field Manual, FM 6-90 Service of the piece : 75-mm gun M 2 A 3, truck-drawn and horse-drawn - USA Field Artillery Field Manual, FM 6-56 Antiaircraft artillery : service of the piece 105-mm antiaircraft gun - USA Coast Artillery Field Manual, FM 4-130 Service of the piece : 155-mm gun M 1 - USA Field Artillery Field Manual, FM 6-90 Cannon Company, Intanfry Regiment. - USA Voorschrift Field Manual 7-37 Gun 76 mm. M1A1, M1A1C and M1A2 firing, Projectile fixed, APC-T, M62 and M62A1. Projectile fixed, illum, MK 24 mod.1. Projectile fixed, illum, Mk 25 … Examinations of gunners - USA Field Artillery Field Manual, FM 6-125 75 mm. Tank Gun M2. (Mounted in Medium Tank M3). - USA Voorschrift Field Manual 23-95 Gun 75 mm. M3, M6 and M17 Firing. Projectile, Fixed, APC-T, M61 and M61A1. Shell, Fixed, HE, M48. Shell, Fixed, Smoke, HC, BI, M89, Shell, … Gun 90 mm. AA M1, M1A1 and M2, Firing Shell H.E. M71. - USA Voorschrift Firing Tables 90 AA-B-3 Gun 90 mm. AA M1, M1A1 and M2 Firing Shell, H.E., M71 with Fuze, Time, Mechanical, M43 and MODS Fuze, P.D. M48 and. MODS. - … Gun 90 mm. M1 Series on Mount AA 90 mm. Gun M1A2 and Gun 90 mm. M2 Series on Mount AA 90 mm. Gun M2A1. …