Calibrator TS-5579. Beschrijving. Bediening. Onderhoud. 1/5 TH 11-2012 Calibration Procedure for Lance Forward Mirror Bracket Assembly 10246197 - USA Voorschrift Technical Bulletin 9-1425-485-50-1 Calibrators BC-726-A, 1-147, 1-156, and 1-168 - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 11-1128 Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part I. Pamphlet no. 14. A.A. Gunnery, Gun and fuze calibration (Heavy A.A.), WO 8215 Artillery Training. Volume V. Part II. Pamphlet no. 8. Coast Gunnery. Calibration. WO 7142 Artillery Training. Volume VI, Pamphlet no. 11. Survey, Estimation of calibre from time of flight. WO 7313 Artillery Training. Pamphlet no.6. Survey. Volume VI. Estimation of Calibre form Time of Flight. WO 7313 Technical Bulletin. Calibration Procedure for Micrometers, Inside (General). - USA Voorschrift Technical Bulletin 9-5210-207-50 Calibratieprocedures. Beschrijving. Bediening. Onderhoud. 1/5 TH 11-445/15, Herdruk Calibrator, Weerstand TS-7253. 1/5 TH 11-2291