studies in international security Arms control and European security : a guide to East-West negotiations / J.I. Coffey Interim report / North Atlantic Assembly. Special Committee on Alliance Strategy and Arms Control ; co-rapporteurs Ton Frinking, Douglas Bereuter hydrogen bomb and international control : technical and background information / publ. by Joint Committee on Atomic Energy ; chairman B. McMahon Bibliography on arms control verification: second update adelphi library Arms control and military force / ed. by Christoph Bertram Handboek interne controle KL. Algemeen. VS 14-50 Algemene instructie voor de door de korpsadministrateurs van de Koninklijke Landmacht te houden interne controles / vastgest. door hoofd afdeling interne controle Kl/Klu dd 28 … report of the international control of atomic energy / prepared for the secretary of state's committee on atomic energy by a board of consultants report on the International Control of Atomic Energy united states and the united nations report series international control of atomic energy : scientific information transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission, June 14, 1946 - October 14, 1946 / prepared … Handboek interne controle KL. Algemeen. VS 14-50 Handboek interne controle inzake de bedrijfvoering bij logistieke installaties in de nationale sector van de KL. VS 14-51