Medico-surgical aspects of the Spanish American War / N. Senn comparative psychology monographs Studies of autonomic balance in army air forces personnel / M.A. Wenger Prospectus of the course in aviation medicine for naval medical officers / U.S. naval school of aviation medicine & research, naval air station Colonic temperature response to oxygen at high pressure / prep. by Edward Dench Jr. Statistical report on the sickness and mortality in the army of the United States, compiled from the records of the Surgeon General's Office : embracing … comparative study of world war casualties : from gas and other weapons / prep. by Harry L. Gilchrist Notes on cardiology in aviation medicine - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 8-305 Notes on psychology in aviation medicine - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 8-310 surgical clinics of north america, chicago number Symposium on fractures and dislocations / under the direction of Fremont A. Chandler report Cold injury - Korea 1951-52 / by [the] Cold injury research team from [the] Army medical research laboratory, Fort Knox, Kentucky, 1 April 1953 contributions in military studies eyewitness account of the American Revolution and New England life : the journal of J.F. Wasmus, German company surgeon, 1776-1783 / translated by Helga Doblin …